Saturday, March 31, 2012

minggu penyeksaan~

so,kita dah sampai kat minggu yang
sangat penuh dengan penyeksaan

jantung pn mungkin rasa lemah sket..
hati pn rasa cuaks je..

banyak lagi x cover...
kita pasrah dan reda je la..
insyaAllah!! ;)

mr diary,
can't tell secrets to u fr a week.
don't miss me,love..

sekian,terima kasih. :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

pro girl~

skarang ni berlangsungnya fenomena "hewhew"
ataupn i called it perbuatan gedik yg melampau..
*idk how that word sounds..

gedik = pro girl = girly girl

i thought that only my friends je ketawa cam tu..
tetiba my sis hantar mesej...
saw that word!!

ouh no!!
not my sis...
i wonder who have been influencing her..

i'll NEVER have this book,ok?

today got a long talk with cikgu.
mostly are true..
really2 true..
tp manusia kan??
benda yg betul ni,
mmg susah nak terima...

i mean,
i'm talking abt myself la...
we'll try to change,cikgu.

" GUYS only test girls
whether they're easy to fall on them.."

don't trust guys sangat la kowt??
i mean,
when a guy said,
he likes u or loves u,
it means
he wants u to like and love him too..
and at the end,
he'll leave...

rasa cam dah banyak kali tgk drama ni..
da bosan da...
even my best friend did the 
SAME thing to my friend pn.
and now, he likes this junior in my school..

tu je pun nya adoi..
sekian,terima kasih. :)


semasa saya bersedia untuk tido,
ada la sorang kawan lama ni,
text plak..
layan je la..

he's kelantanese...
and i'm not racist,ok?
i befriend with everyone,
like i said back then..

u wouldn't go in war w/out ur best armor,
so why would u get on stage without a schecter
-zacky veagance-

ala2, camtu la mesej dia.
i didn't recognise the no.
so,i was like, huh??
apakah ini??

u see,
i've got this special rule in which,
any no in my phonebook,
who doesn't contact me,
in more than,
let's say a month la,
memang i akan delete the no..

mungkin nampak kejam..
bt that's me..
if they do not want to be my friend,
kisah la plak kan??

memula kenal guna 'aku' and 'kau'
lepas tu jadi 'I' and 'you' plak..
tah pape..

dalam kemengantukan itu,
saya pn layan la....
*waktu tido saya pukul 11,harap maaf!

dalam keadaan mamai tu,
tetiba terbaca last text pasal syaitan abenda ntah...
ingatkan itu hanya mimpi tau..
sleep texting ar katakan??

rupanya betul..
i really thought tht he stopped texting already...
same goes to my petbro that i told u b4 la..
ingatkan beliau x balas2...
it turned out that it was my fault..

dan pagi tadi pukul 4.
ada la makcik ni hantar mesej.
ingatkn mimpi juga..
rupanya betul kowt..
sape suruh kan??

rasa sangat kejam kebelakangan ini...
my best friend called nak dekat pukul 1..
hang ingat aku nak angkat ke??
tengah sedap bermimpi best...
*tp kalau call masa lain pn,macam saya angkat je?

sekian,terima kasih. ;)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


ada apa pada temerloh?
it's a very nostalgic place..
kenangan dulu2..
yang meninggalkn kesan sampai sekarang.
bt i hide it, obv!

during the trip to hukm,
my teacher and this friend
talked abt temerloh.

teringat plak when i was in standard 2 kowt?
nt so sure coz i had amnesia back then.

temerloh really teach me a lesson la...
ALWAYS be patient coz if u don't,
something bad might happen..

the story goes this way...
well,my family went to my mum's friend,
had a night at her house.

so,it was maghrib time.
i was waiting very impatiently in front of the toilet.
there's this boy, anak kawan ibu saya itu...
lambatnya beliau mandi...
btw,he's a year older than me..

tensionnya menunggu..
budak2 yg x bersabar..
dah start la kan menghentak-hentakkn kaki...
sorry,bt i'm nt really a good kid back then.
if i was,
xde orang yg akan nangis kalau main kejar2,
or wtv dgn saya..

30 minit kemudian,
beliau pn keluar.
dan saya trus masuk,
dan LALU terjatuh...
ala,tp sebab da biasa jatuh di mana2,
i just did nothing je lah kan...

trus ambil wuduk..
x perasan dah berdarah-darah da...
keluar toilet,
tetiba rasa pedih kat my face.
then,i asked my abah.
he said ada luka..
so,i was like,

tetiba besar plak..
trus pergi the nearest clinic.
x kena jahit pun..
just kena tampal dengan gam ke cream mende tah.
x ingat...
first time ar kan kena cam truk gak?

that's why la i had this scar on my face.
tp,naseb baik xde orang perasan!

skian,terima kasih. :)

p/s: that's also one of the reason why i hate taking pic,

Sunday, March 25, 2012

i don't live on memories~

it was a tiring day.
bt i had FUN,anyway..

went to plaza low yat with my father.
he asked whether i want to
get a friend to follow us..
bt i think everyone wants to study.
so,i didn't ajak anyone la kowt?

dapat bluetooth headphone yg baru!
act, i sent my old one yg macam rosak,
then they changed it with a NEW, working one..

went to T(school)..
teringat memori lama2,
memori daun pisang kowt?
diorang busy ngan ED...

xde orang yg lupakn nama CS mereka,
except fr me..
truk x??

dalam ramai2 tu,
ada la ths one girl.
dulu cam agak baik ar gak..
main2 merajuk cam pompuan tah pape..
exchange choc and whatsoever.
stay up sesama..
macam2 la..

ingatkn she's forgotten me already.
so,i didn't greet her,
bt as i'm going back,
then, she met me..
cam, terharu ar gak..

tgk dalam bag..
eh,ada kitkat la!!
so,i gave her that..
sometimes, i can act that sweet..
bt sometimes,i just don't..

met my sis too at ktm seremban.
she boarded the ETS.
she already arrived ipoh around 9.40 pm.

and at nyte,
ths friend of mine,
suruh teman ke dectar..
x faham la apa yg best sgt kat dectar tu..
dating ke??
bt apsal ajak ramai2 huh?

that's how my days go la...
penat sangat.
dan sakit kaki.
tp x ngantuk!

need to iron my baju.
sekian,terima kasih. ;)

ada gambar tp x leh letak sini kowt..
muka cam ngantuk giler...

The mines~

I went to the mines.

Had a great time there.
I was accompanying my friend,actually.
I don’t really want to go fr outing,
Since I’m going OUT today..

Bt anyway,
I got to watch them play bowling.
Been a while since I play it,
So I decided nt to join la..

Went to the arcade.
Haha!got to play with the Tekken.
I’m really good at that kind of game.
Fr sure la,I win kan?
Maklumlah,kecik2 lagi memang da main haiwan tu.

I don’t play games like CS
Because I don’t like it when u use machine
To kill people.
I mean, c’mon!

Guns are machines,right?

Strong and tough people,
Don’t need those kind of things to KILL.
We just need our own body..

And my first time taking the cruise there.
They said it’s a cruise bt I prefer to call it boat.

3279 is kind of sweet la.
I never know tht.
Got to know our adik ipar kowt?
I mean, k7 punya adik ipar.
It was supposed to be kakak ipar
Since he’s the eldest in our class..
Bt this is a weird situation.hehe!

gambar muka x bleh letak untuk menyembunyikn
identiti gf 3279.haha!
talking abt secret and privacy!

Bt, seriously!
Kesian kat kawan gf dye.
Keep following her around
And sometimes at a point,
She’s alone..
I mean,
When 3279 walked together with his gf.
So sweet..

I told 3456 to walk with the lone f4,
Bt then I reminded him again.

kalau sappy  tahu, habis ar kau…

Kejam x?
I know..

After all those stuffs tu,
Balik la ukm.
Singgah sat kat dektar.
Jalan2 cari food.
Bt 3279 punya gf,
Of course ar trus balik kan?
Penat la kowt?

Dan malam tadi tido sangat AWAL!!!
Solat isyak je trus pengsan.
Bajet je la nak bangun pukul 11 utk study.

Sekian,terima kasih. ;)

p/s : 3456 x nak belanja coklat pn?

Friday, March 23, 2012


ok dah.
sekian,terima kasih. :)

ths pic's taken sejurus sebulum ianya mendarat ke 
tong sampah... hehe.

somebody that i used to know~

Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
And I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know


am i really unfriendly?
an incident happen,yesterday..

"hi, JIHA!"

"hi...jap2,kau buat2 lupa ey?sampai hati"

"dah kau yg BISU..."

and i was like, did I?
well, the truth is,
i do it purposely.

i don't want to accept the fact that
my friends are forgetting me..
i didn't forget them.
just the names..

i think i'm a really cruel person la kowt..
*in da world,maybe?

we once hang out together,
had lunch together,
study in the class sama2,
main bingo guna calculator sesama,
jalan2 sesama,
macam2 la..

i know i've changed too much.
i wonder when did i start changing fr the bad..
thought tht i'm supposed to be a better person..

sekian,terima kasih... ;)

p/s: i think i'm gonna start to tegur org kowt frm now on..
greetings ain't tht hard pn.. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

k7 is the most awesome class~

kelas k7 sangat hebat tau!

ingat kelas kau hebat ke?
suka hati je nak kutuk kelas org lain..
ur class is the most boring class in the world kowt?
semua org tahu..

classmates bergaduh sesama sendiri..
kutuk classmates sendiri la..
ingat hebat ar tu?

sesuka hati je nak membangkitkn kemarahan
di pagi hari..
tah pape...

i x boleh buat face cmni la...

ok.saja je nak
mengexpresskan perasaan marah yg
x berapa nak marah..

sekian,terima kasih..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

dedicated to~

so,yesterday was my bestfriend's birthday.
i mean,one of mine la.

since last yr,
i've told him tht i'll send something fr his birthday.
bt then, i didn't.
sampai ar thn ni..

saya ni bknnya org yg slalu bg hadiah kat orang.
slalunya,mmg bg kek je la to my fwens.
i'm nt good at choosing things fr other people la..

owh yup.
my best friend said tht
he's craving fr sate kajang..
as if i'm gonna send tht via parcel la kan?
johor kowt...

happy birthday bro!!
i've always forgot tht u're much older thn me.

sekian,terima kasih ;)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

maju seyh~

so,today i'm going to post abt my bro.
maju sangat2.

hari2 bergayut-gayut kat phone.
tau la telefon rumah ke rumah free..
berjam-jam plak tu..

bayangkan ar
dari pukul 10 mlm sampai 1 pg
letak gambar gf beliau kat komputer lg..
biasa la orang ada gf kan??

not like me.
never had a bf.
xde org nak kan?
wtv,as if i care..

i tell my adik,
kalau nak ada gf utk suka2,
baik x payah..
if u like someone,
niatkan dalam hati yg u want to marry her
bila dah besar nnti.
and niat juga,
that u love her because of Allah.

berkat kehidupan..
mendapat rahmat pula..

my adik da book org melaka.
how about my kakak?
urm,dia nak org kajang..
well,dekat la kowt dengan ukm.

bila tgk kakak or abang my friends kahwin,
rasa cam best..
tp kakak saya ni muda lg la..
cmne ye?

disebabkan saya seorang yg xde pape,
ibu saya telah mengeluarkan soalan berikut, 

"bila la mu nak pandai masak,angah.
dah form 5 da.. "

"mana ada x pandai masak.bolek je kalau
tetiba panggil suruh masak.
dah ramai orang dalam rumah ni
yg suka masak.
angah pn berundur diri la.. "

"cuba la masak2 sayur ke..."

and the conversation goes on..

the real story is tht,
saya bukanlah x suka masak.
tp saya lebih minat buat kek.
masak tu bukannya susah sangat.
kalau da tahu ramuan asas tu,
masak je la..
sebelum angkat dari kuali,
rasa dulu,
takut terkurang gula or garam..

saya bukanlah x tahu masak.
harap maaf ya..

sekian,terima kasih.  :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


i'll never forget this date, 

it's a very sad day fr some people
especially my friends kowt?

first time in my life,
i lost a friend.
death has separate us apart.

i thought that it was a dream.
i told myself that this can't be happening.
bt this is in reality.

unlike those sinetron in astro,
if a person are said to have died,
at the end of the story,
she'll be alive,
just lose her memory..

bt that obv doesn't happen in reality,
of course.

arwah died on friday.
such a blessing.
banyak manfaatnya..

i just wanna say that,
u're a really great friend.
if u can see us now,
u'll know how much ur friends love u,
miss u,
and how much they need u..

but we can't go against the fate.
may he and his family be placed among the righteous.
semoga adik dia beroleh kesejahteraan hidup..
and i hope all of us can meet again,
in Jannah,insyaAllah!

al-fatihah buat arwah~

p/s: won't put his pic here coz i don't want anyone to
be really sad,again
looking at his pic.
i don't want anyone to meratap.
let him rest in peace...

Monday, March 5, 2012


my morning was disturbed,
by a few people..

act,x kisah pn kena turun fr activity class..
bt imagine ar,
ada orang antar mesej,

"apam,tido mati ke?tau ar study sampai pagi?"

something cmtu ar..
rasa mmg nak bunuh2 je..
dan tumbuk + belasah manusia2 itu..
penat kowt tgk satu movie ni..
*i hate love story btul la..

da la,
turun activity kelas,
lepas tu asyik kena gelak je..

ada org kasi hadiah..
terharu woo!!
maklum ar,
smenjak form 1 x pernah dapat bday present kowt??
choc dan ice cream mmg agak slalu dapat..
*close case

petang tu..
x tahu la apa terjadi...
happy sangat..
kenapa yek??

anyway,tu je nak citer..
sekian,terima kasih.

p/s i hate you..

p/s 2: i hate pink,seriously!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


had a blackout in ukm,

otw nak balik frm surau,
tetiba PAP!!!
naseb baik la saya tidak takut gelap...

da la haus giler smalam..
turun ar kafe jap..
beli milo ais!!
sangat la sedap!!

balik bilik..
memula duduk bertenggek di tepi tingkap..
*bunyi cam da transform jadi burung hantu je
then,azra pn balik...
we watched sumpahan kum2..

tengok malam2 mmg ar seram..
i don't really watch it..
dah tgk pn hari tu..
sampai tutup2 dan kelip2 mata lagi..

last nyte.
i just takut2kan azra..

tadi ada forum..
i was the mischievous students of PP.
then,ada legal firms.
dengan controlling parents..

x semua hackers tu jahat..
ada je yg baik..
in world,
we need hackers..
especially to help the gov la..

x best nya..
the parents punya group are controlling their kids.
they don't let their kids
to decide their own path of life..

my parents do not control me and my siblings.
i mean,not really la..
that's why i'm so happy...
nangis2 ni x main ar..

sekian,terima kasih. :)

p/s:ouh.ptang ni nak gi ICT fair..
jom ikut!! ;)