Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Ramadan is coming!!!
in 13 days, yeah!!
idk if i can get through it or not,
but let's just hope that i will,
in sya Allah..

done qada' my puasa,
barely yesterday..
haha! i know.
i was procrastinating.

since 2 months ago kowt,
all that's left is just 1 day
bt i keep on,
"nanti la dulu.."
"sempat lagi ni.."
nasib baik lah sempat..

well, life's been busy.
so that's why i rarely post anything here.
and got nothing to say.

sekian, terima kasih. ;)

Monday, June 17, 2013

friends:PART 2~

so this is the second part of the previous post.

let's start off with this friend.

      #epic edit fail

miss iqa. sab's roomate. rapat sebab dulu selalu serang
bilik sab. suka ambil gambar gak, that's our similarities.
peneman dalam sapphire. sometimes, we think alike.
haha!especially kalau pasal aktiviti sukan ni..ngee~
she likes reading malay novel, just like me. except now
i read less la..haha!all the best, and datang la lagi selalu.
boleh pergi tgk movie sesama, hihi!

mr irfan izzati. i like it when he says hi. it's not that i have
a crush on him or what. haha! the way he says hi is unique.
macam nak berbisik je..haha!lepas ni da xde orang nak cakap
hi da..known him because he wasLeiy's that was back
then..ingat lagi, budak k7 suka nyanyi lagu ni..
"pujaan hati...Leiyana Ramly...Irfan Izzati.." haha!and we love
teasing's fun.hihi!sorry for all the thing
that we do la. nanti dah jadi ahli farmasi berjaya (kan??ke x??),
jangan lupakan kami semua..haha!

mr zahwan. well, xde banyak nak citer. bt he's a funny guy.
beliaulah yg mula2 kenakan sab dengan syamil. see? it's not me
who started it first. i was just the one who spread it...hihi!u're taking
undang2 dan syariah Islam right?a lawyer to be? well, all the best
fr that..

mr aiman nurrasyid. idk why bt i think i owe him a lot. because
of him, i know a little bit about lelaki. are they really nice or what.
something like that. u see, i was from an all-girls school, ma!
that's why i was wondering. and mr aiman, thanks
for all the smartphone thing. i was a noob back then. and thanks for
being a good classmate. u always ask me abt how much i get for
tutorial and if i've done the homework or not. thanks, again. :D

can't write anymore..haha!too many people, now..
da malas da..

to others who left ASASI here and go to a better place,
all the best.. may ur path be easier and u get to do what
u want to do..

and to the one who went overseas when we were form 5,

and also the one who did not go to asasipintar,

all the best too!!let's become a great person,
and show to PERMATA that we're worth it.

even though life keep throwing rocks at u,
keep moving forward and don't turn back...

bt u can always look over ur shoulder, though.

and lastly,
to the one that has gone forever,
and meet the creator,
we never forget about him.
May Allah forgive him and place his soul among the
righteous in the Hereafter.
Our prayers are with him and may Heaven awaits him.

that's all..
act, i got bored, so i was looking at all those pics.
i was looking, nt stalking, ok?haha!
and that's how i end up writing this and previous post.

sekian, terima kasih. :)

p/s: sorry, for the broken english and grammar..haha!

friends: PART 1~

been a while since i last updated this blog.
well, as a start,
i'm going to tell u abt my friends.
my 2 yrs and a half friends?haha!
the friends that got away.. :D

let's start with the closest one first.
before that, i must warn u,
it's going to be a very very very long post.

the first lucky person will be,
of course, my roomate!! *cheering

miss ain famieza. known since form 4. classmates since then.
actually, known her since pkms. we were in the same group.
first impression: nampak garang je?bahaya ni..
and KG pun cakap yamada sensei ni garang!! tp sebenarnya
x pun.. jadi roomate ok je..baik je??tengok cerita korea, like
i do..hihi!bt she's kind of a serious person!beware..

coming up next,

mr fakhrul syamil. haha! a good friend. very good one. he
helped me during the form 4 incident. the santau2 kes la..haha!
x pasal2 dia kena kutuk sekali. thanks for that, seriously! bt one
thing je la, kuat merajuk..i admit it was wrong fr me to mock
you and sab, bt all of that was done, for fun!don't take it to
heart la..besides, mana tau betul2 masin mulut kitorang?hihi!!
and btw, u're a very sarcastic person..haha!

miss farah nabila. she's a girl. haha! suka marah2 je kerja. the
best part was bullying her coz she's so rajin..act, she's very
gentle, bt not gedik, la kan?she's a serious person, susah nak
main2 kalau dengan beliau. she gets annoyed easily, haha!!
especially when we teased her with 'that' person. membara
kowt??haha!thanks fr being a strict and serious person. kalau
x, confirm budak2 k7 x terkawal punya!!

kak nuraini? haha!!i love using harsh words with her. pastu
buat muka. she's very sensitive, if u tickle her. and that was
fun..she made me stay awake in class. and masa asasi ni,
i teased her too much. even when she quitted, i made her cry
with my comments. sorry, dear. u know that i don't mean it,
kan? sincerely, sorry for every possible mean thing that i've
done to u. and thanks for everything.

mr izuddin!!sweet...he's really close to farah so we often
mistaken him as farah's bf. haha!very supportive. especially,
when it comes to sab. mungkin diorang dah berjanji untuk
cover each other kowt?a good guy to have a conversation
with. a great guitar player too. really like it when u play the
guitar, when we requested masa camping tuh..haha!sometimes
u can be very serious and frightening. please don't do that.

well, all of u are k7's.and we were really close like brother
and sisters. we even shared secrets, right? please keep the
secrets sampai bila2!haha!kalau nak kira memori tu macam
gambar korang yang ada dalam hard disk apam, memang x
terkira punya la! let's stay as a family sampai bila2!! :)

moving on to my dongsaeng. haha! u're a very good lil bro.
sometimes i wonder, why were u being so kind when people
do this and that to u. bt i know that u always have a good heart.
that's why u can't possibly go against them. don't worry. i'll
keep all your secrets and not spread them. haha! well, i'll admit
it, sometimes u can be a little annoying, especially when u call
me 'panda'!! anyway, stay cool, mr memerang aka
amiz. don't change. just stay the way you are, ok?

miss akmal nabilah or known as anne. thanks for being a good
friend and a good company in sapphire. remember the night
we knew about arwah's death, thanks for being with a
scaredycat person. i know the reason was ridiculous, bt u stayed
with me. really appreciate it. thanks, again. i hope that u'll stay
healthy, less asthma attacks, if possible, i hope that u may not get
them at all. and stop being with too many people at a time, if u
get what i mean.haha!

and now, my bestfriend. mr syazwan. a big applause!!cheh~thanks
for making my life less boring. thanks for eating all the food.stop
having a love triangle with N and E..haha!!find someone new,
dear..and no more triangle, or rectangle or square or any other
polygon!haha!eat more, gain more!seriously!

well, i'm going to continue this post in PART 2.. :D
sekian, terima kasih.